George Gonzalez. I studied at Northwestern University for two years as an undergraduate study in Political Science and foreign affairs. I had hope to go into foreign service and had been working with the Model United Nations for 4 years both as a participant and later as an administrator. Soon the Iran Hostage situation developed and I realized that foreign service was not for me, so I decided to pursue my art in photography and transferred to Columbia College in Chicago where I receive a BFA in Art History and Photography. Working as a freelance photographer for many years I relocated to Miami, Fl where I worked in the thriving fashion industry. In 1993 after working as a buyer for Federated Dept Store for 4 years I decided to open a retail store on South Beach. In 2004 we founded Angelic Dreamz, selling collectibles and dolls. In 2009 I met my current partner and friend Jamie and started JAMIEshow Dolls. We wanted to create a new ball jointed resin fashion doll that was first and foremost beautiful but also affordable. Thirty plus sculpts later, we have now produced thousand of dolls, won both Industry awards every year and fan awards for our dolls. Our dolls have been featured multiple times on the covers of every fashion doll magazine. In 2013 we began a collaboration with our friend Mel Odom to re-introduce the Gene Marshall dolls once again in a resin BJD version. In 2015 we celebrated the 5th anniversary of JAMIEshow and Gene’s 20th anniversary in Chicago at our convention “Le Jazz Hot”.