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Bill Greening’s story is truly that of the collector in the dreamhouse. The Orange County, California native has long loved Barbie, he began collecting Barbie dolls in 1987.  His love for the doll and the beautiful illustrations that appeared on vintage product directly led Bill to a career in fashion design.  He graduated from California State University Long Beach, where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Fashion Design and Textiles. His lifelong dream of designing for Barbie doll was realized in 1999 when he began his Mattel career creating pink box Barbie dolls. His fun and whimsical signature style is apparent in each design.

Today, Bill works in the Barbie Collector group, where he has designed such exciting Barbie dolls as the Barbie Look collection, the Faraway Forest series, Haunted Beauty collection, and Willows WI series. . His passion for vintage Barbie allows him to work on the reproduction doll line, such as the Teenage Fashion Model Black and White Bathing Suit doll.

Bill continues to be very active in the Barbie Collector community. He loves attending the Barbie Doll Collector Conventions and meeting fellow Barbie doll collectors.

Barbie “Fairy Of The dark Forest“


This magnificent doll “ Fairy Of The Dark Forest “ by the incledible talented Mattel Designer Bill Greening is the prototype courteously  gifted by MATTE USA for Roma Fashion Doll Convention Ebay Charity Auction 2015. In this masterpiece doll you can see the difference from the production , infact she have  beading on the center lace panel and the  dress fabric was slightly different in production as well.

Her face is completely hand painted. She is the only one  Mattel prototype and comes from Mattel Archive. Third doll in the Faraway Forest™ Collection, this mysterious beauty wears a stunning black gown with a deep “V” neckline, foil-printed fabric and trumpet sleeves edged in faux fur. Her neckpiece, belt, boots and crown incorporate skeletal motifs, while the magnificent scepter features a “stone” accent.


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